Crowdsourcing and Geoprocessing as a Support to the Elaboration of Geotouristic Routes

Revista Brasileira de Cartografia – Ano 2017

Autores desta publicação

  • SENA, Ítalo S. – Ítalo Sousa de Sena - Pesquisador GeoGames
  • CASAGRANDE, Pedro B. – Prof. Pedro Benedito Casagrande - Prof. Escola de Minas UFMG
  • Rocha, Nicole A. – Profa. Nicole Andrade da Rocha - Profa. Faculdade Metodista Granbery - JF
  • FONSECA, Bráulio M. – Prof. Bráulio Magalhães Fonseca - Professor e Pesquisador Geodesign
  • Ruchkys, Úrsula
  • Palavras-chave: Geodiversity; Multi-Criteria Analysis; Visualization; Crowdsourcing; Social Media

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Sena, Ítalo S.; Casagrande, Pedro B.; Rocha, Nicole A.; Fonseca, Bráulio; Ruchkys, Úrsula. Crowdsourcing and Geoprocessing as a Support to the Elaboration of Geotouristic Routes. Revista Brasileira de Cartografia (2017), No 69/8, Edição Especial “Geovisualização, mídias sociais e participação cidadã: apoio à representação, análise e gestão da paisagem”: 1536-1548.
Sociedade Brasileira de Cartografia, Geodésia, Fotogrametria e Sensoriamento Remoto
ISSN: 1808-0936

Abstract (english text)

Geotourism presents itself as an important mechanism of valorization and conservation of the geological heritage. However, for the activity to be effective, it is necessary to analyze the context of the landscape in which it is intended to establish this kind of activity. For this, spatial analysis techniques have been implemented in the context of geodiversity and geological heritage studies, in order to provide an integrated understanding of the territory, highlighting those aspects related to tourism. Although, this research has used geoprocessing techniques attached with data from social media, through crowdsourcing, to raise the potential of the Serra da Calçada Natural Monument for geotourism. In addition, a guide was proposed for the area, highlighting the aspects of the behavior for tourists as the geological and the local heritage.

Autores do laboratório

  • Prof. Bráulio Magalhães Fonseca
    Prof. Bráulio Magalhães Fonseca
    Professor e Pesquisador Geodesign
  • Profa. Nicole Andrade da Rocha
    Profa. Nicole Andrade da Rocha
    Profa. Faculdade Metodista Granbery - JF
  • Prof. Pedro Benedito Casagrande
    Prof. Pedro Benedito Casagrande
    Prof. Escola de Minas UFMG
  • Ítalo Sousa de Sena
    Ítalo Sousa de Sena
    Pesquisador GeoGames