The application of geodesign in a Brazilian illegal settlement. Participatory planning in Dandara occupation case study

Environmental and territorial modelling for planning and design – Ano 2018

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Resumo da publicação

The paper discusses the results of the application of Geodesign framework proposed by Steinitz (2012) in a case study of an informal settlement in Belo Horizonte, capital of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The local plans that promote illegal settlements urbanization were proved inefficient in terms of time required to produce results and limited involvement of locals. In order to find an alternative planning strategy, the municipality decided to test the Geodesign method, due to its interdisciplinary structure combining design technologies, geographic information system and shared common language and visualization tools to engage stakeholders. The workshop considered all the stakeholders involved in the case and produced a co-created project, where all the actors participated actively. Dandara occupation is considered one of the biggest planned illegal settlements in Brazil, but the people are still living in precarious conditions. After only two days of intense workshop, an agreement has been reached: the plan appeared more simplified, responding to the real needs of Dandara people in accordance with the local rules. The next step, that is the main focus, is to promote another Geodesign workshop, now involving Millennial in a workshop for the same scenario. The main goal is to test the methodology and the tools with different participants and compare the results of academic workshop with the real one that had involved the residents. Can the Millennial understand properly the problems of the area and produce coherent proposals for this reality? What is the role of web-based technologies to support decision making in informal settlement issues?

Como citar:
Patata, S., Lisboa De Paula, P., & Mourão Moura, A.C. (2018). The application of the Geodesign in a Brazilian illegal settlement. Participatory planning in Dandara occupation case study. In A. Leone & C. Gargiulo (Eds.), Environmental and territorial modelling for planning and design. (pp. 673-685). Naples: FedOAPress. ISBN: 978-88-6887-048-5, doi: 10.6093/978-88-6887-048-5

Para livro completo:

Abstract (english text)

The paper discusses the results of the application of Geodesign framework proposed by Steinitz (2012) in a case study of an informal settlement in Belo Horizonte, capital of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The local plans that promote illegal settlements urbanization were proved inefficient in terms of time required to produce results and limited involvement of locals. In order to find an alternative planning strategy, the municipality decided to test the Geodesign method, due to its interdisciplinary structure combining design technologies, geographic information system and shared common language and visualization tools to engage stakeholders. The workshop considered all the stakeholders involved in the case and produced a co-created project, where all the actors participated actively. Dandara occupation is considered one of the biggest planned illegal settlements in Brazil, but the people are still living in precarious conditions. After only two days of intense workshop, an agreement has been reached: the plan appeared more simplified, responding to the real needs of Dandara people in accordance with the local rules. The next step, that is the main focus, is to promote another Geodesign workshop, now involving Millennial in a workshop for the same scenario. The main goal is to test the methodology and the tools with different participants and compare the results of academic workshop with the real one that had involved the residents. Can the Millennial understand properly the problems of the area and produce coherent proposals for this reality? What is the role of web-based technologies to support decision making in informal settlement issues?

Patata, S., Lisboa De Paula, P., & Mourão Moura, A.C. (2018). The application of the Geodesign in a Brazilian illegal settlement. Participatory planning in Dandara occupation case study. In A. Leone & C. Gargiulo (Eds.), Environmental and territorial modelling for planning and design. (pp. 673-685). Naples: FedOAPress. ISBN: 978-88-6887-048-5, doi: 10.6093/978-88-6887-048-5

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Autores do laboratório

  • Prof. Ana Clara Mourão Moura
    Prof. Ana Clara Mourão Moura
  • Priscila Lisboa de Paula
    Priscila Lisboa de Paula
    Ex-Bolsista Iniciação Científica
  • Susanna Patata
    Susanna Patata
    Intercambista - Mestrado Bologna