Aerial Images and Three-Dimensional Models Generated by RPA to Support Geovisualization in Geodesign Workshops

ICCSA 2020, Springer – Ano 2020

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Resumo da publicação

Como citar: MAGALHÃES, Danilo Marques ; MOURA, Ana Clara Mourão . Aerial Images and Three-Dimensional Models Generated by RPA to Support Geovisualization in Geodesign Workshops. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed.: Springer International Publishing, 2020, v. 12252, p. 296-309.


Abstract (english text)

Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) are geotechnological instruments with good cost-benefit, as they provide quick spatial data capture with satisfactory accuracy and resolution, affording the creation of three-dimensional products and aerial photographs from different perspectives. These data have been used to support geovisualization in geodesign workshops held in socially fragile and poor communities, in which people of the place have a vast knowledge about their territory but difficulties in working with cartographic representation and maps products. This study, therefore, presents the experiences earned in three geodesign workshops held in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, when aerial images in an oblique perspective and three-dimensional models with interactive navigation were used. The results allow us to conclude that the use of fields of view with an oblique perspective to the objects of analysis promotes a link between the zenithal cartographic expression and the immersive view in the landscape, which is a way for the formation of the mental maps. That is understood as an essential condition for the promotion of citizen participation in co-design processes, based on geovisualization and the sense of digital inclusion.

Autores do laboratório

  • Prof. Ana Clara Mourão Moura
    Prof. Ana Clara Mourão Moura
  • Prof. Danilo Marques de Magalhães
    Prof. Danilo Marques de Magalhães
    Professor, Aluno de Doutorado