Urban Occupation Potential by UAV Data: Vale do Sereno—Nova Lima/MG

INPUT 2021, Springer Nature – Ano 2021

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Como citar:

Casagrande P.B., Parisi M.G., Moura A.C.M., Camargos L.M., de Magalhães D.M. (2021) Urban Occupation Potential by UAV Data: Vale do Sereno—Nova Lima/MG. In: La Rosa D., Privitera R. (eds) Innovation in Urban and Regional Planning. INPUT 2021. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 146. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-68824-0_27

Abstract (english text)

Currently new technologies and tools have been used to improve the spatial planning and knowledge of the territory. Thus, from UAV data it is possible to perform the spatial analysis of the study area and to know/understand the potential use for urban occupation. The UAV flyover allows to generate a mosaic of orthophoto which is the basis for generating the analyzes related to the physical environment, and with the use of other geotechnologies it is possible to elaborate indices for urban occupation in the study site. In this case study the chosen area was the Vale do Sereno region, part of the municipality of Nova Lima/MG, which has urban expansion in areas with physical characteristics not suitable for occupation, in general. Thus, the use of geotechnologies as a subsidy for territorial planning and planning is increasingly accessible and indispensable for public management.

Autores do laboratório

  • Prof. Ana Clara Mourão Moura
    Prof. Ana Clara Mourão Moura
  • Prof. Danilo Marques de Magalhães
    Prof. Danilo Marques de Magalhães
    Professor, Aluno de Doutorado
  • Prof. Pedro Benedito Casagrande
    Prof. Pedro Benedito Casagrande
    Prof. Escola de Minas UFMG
  • Lourdes Manresa Camargos
    Lourdes Manresa Camargos
    Ex-Aluna de Mestrado